
We have a visitor for a week.  His name is Devin, and he is Dre's sister-in-law's cat.

Dre's parents described it as "old and ugly."  I totally beg the differ.  The rest of the description, however, was more than accurate - anti-social and that the first thing it'll do was scout the entire premise of the house for the darkest possible spot, and stay there.

I would attach a photo of this cat, but it has not left the spot under Dre's bed since it got here.

Apparently, Devin is an night owl (like me).  He comes out to eat and poop at night.  Dre said he even meowed once - this all happened at 4AM.

I've tried laser beem, flashlight, and pretend that an insect was crawling on the carpet to lure Devin out of the darkness, but to no avail.  This afternoon, I lied face-down on the carpet, and engaged in a staring contest with Dev.  I couldn't tell if I won or lost because ultimately Dev fell asleep.  So I started doing this:

Except I was calling Devin's name.

And of course, that did not phase Devin the Cool Cat in the slightest.  The result was sort of like this:

(I apologize for the video quality.)

So I gave up and got off the floor.  I hung out in the living room the entire day, and the cat did not move AT ALL.  Perhaps it's depressed.  Maybe I should put some sugar in its food....

Jon came home, and he asked if there were any movements.  I said no.  When he was done watching his TV, he said, "I'm going to stare at the cat for 5 minutes."

Apparently, unemployed people do the same things....


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