10.02.2005 MCR headline concert @ San Jose Event Center

It was just last night that I went and saw My Chemical Romance headlining with Reggie and The Full Effect and The Alkaline Trio at the San Jose Event Center, but other than getting addicted to the song The Ghost Of You, and wanting to download songs by The Alkaline Trio, it seems like the concert never happened. Don't get me wrong, the concert was AWESOME, and I was pretty excited at the event. Perhaps because the next day (today) is a school day, and right after the show I had to head home immediately to work on my endless past due school work that the high dissipated into the dry, cold air that signified the presence of late Autumn and arrival of Winter.
Tried to record some of the sounds on my phone at the concert, but it turned out to be a major failure since none of the sounds from the speakers was captured. (And I was pretty close upfront, too.) At times like this, I really wish I have a camera phone to keep a piece of it for the sake of cherishable memory. The mics weren't set up right either. First, Gerard's voice didn't come through distinctly, especially when he sang the lower, softer notes. Then, I suspect that Frank's mic was not even correctly connected coz all the things he screamed was inaudible. Sucks.
The audience was a crazy bunch, and a few people in the front got hurt. (But it's a rock concert with the emo's and the goth's, so what do you expect?) The bands were very kind though, every once in a while they would have to ask the crowd to back up and give air. MCR halted in the middle of a couple of songs when Gerard saw some people getting crushed, and he made sure the situation got fully taken care of before resuming or restarting the songs. One of those cool bands that says, "If someone falls, pick him up."
Nonetheless, there were the mosh pit and crowd surfing. It's kinda funny to see shoes, clothes, bottles or what have you being thrown in the air in the middle of songs. G and I tried to get closer to stage but not too close as to get involve at the pit, but inevitably the pit swam back. All I knew was all of a sudden I started getting elbowed left and right, and when I turned to the right saw this big ring being hollowed out by the moshers running into each other. The space where I was standing rather comfortably instantly reduced to cram. When I was about to turn my head back to the stage, a gigantic blobject caught my attention, and it was a huge woman going insane in the center of the pit. She was like the giant stone or snowball in the older, Tarzanic movies that rolls up behind you and chases you down the hill. It was scary as fuck. I couldn't even make out if she was dancing or what because at one point her arms were going up and down simultaneously as though she was doing the go-go dance. Her shirt with a wide neck opening (boat-neck or off-shoulder-ish) was almost slipping off her chest - an extremely horrifying view. Her hair was a bush of broom straws. She was wearing a skirt and plastic clogs. Lord-o-mighty!! The rest of the goers could generally be divided into two groups: the short and the tall ones. The short ones went as little as barely reaching my chest, so when they wiggled their way to the front their heads would almost brush my breasts. The tall ones were so tall that literally I had to look up to them. When they raised their arms, the top of my head would be located right next to their armpits, and if they were to drop their arms, they would easily elbow my head. The undressed ones were sweating all over the place, and it was pretty gross having to rub shoulders against theirs. And at one point a girl, who stood directly in front of me, who was bouncing a lot kept hitting me with her hair and her backpack. I mean, why would anyone bring freakin' school books to a rock concert? I could have sworn that there were at least three or four hard-covered textbooks in her sack.
Wait, I'm not complaining. This all turned out to be pretty funny. It was the first time I stood close to the stage during the entire concert. And it was quite an experience, alright.
The pictures below were not from this event, but were taken from MCR's performances at the Leeds Festival and a concert held in Chicago, IL. [Sources: and]

Gerard Way - Vocals

Frank Iero - Guitar

Mikey Way - Bass

[Ah~ Another handsome bassist.]

Ray Toro - Guitar

[Frank and] Bob Bryar - Drums

*Sorry, can't find any good pictures of Bob in concert.


Mikey and Bob
