The Best Show Ever


Ticket to see Jason Mraz at the San Francisco Warfield: $29.50
Convenience charge per ticket sold through $8.05
An opportunity to be thoroughly mrazmerized: PRICELESS

The Golden Ticket

La, la, la, la, la-life is wonderful.
A message sent to JM:
What's up, J. How's your throat feeling?
I went to your concert on Tuesday 11.08 @ the San Francisco Warfield, and I am absolutely stunned. It was the best show I've seen so far in my life. (Coz I know I will see you again, and it would get even better!) The minute you started singing, I couldn't believe I was there I thought I was watching your dvd again (except that it was a gigantic screen since I was pretty close to the stage).
Half way through your performance when everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs to "sing" along, I noticed you have a throat condition. I wanted to yell "Are you okay?" but thought that would have been stupid, because a) most likely you wouldn't be able to hear me, and b) that sounds like I'm doubting you. At that point, I didn't know if I should continue to sing to help and show support, or if I should shut up and not contribute to your stress. (There were some really oblivious, rude people at the show, too.) But then just when I thought perhaps the concert had to end sooner, you showed professionalism by showing dedication to go on and giving your best to all of us. The show must go on. This is the spirit I have to learn from you.
I loved your little trick with the cell phones on the balcony. It literally lit up our sky, and set the perfect mood for Bella Luna. Song For A Friend was my favorite song out of album Mr. A-Z, and you did so well it almost brought tears to my eyes. I went completely speechless when you performed Plane near the end during the encore. And I remember standing at the spot with one hand over my parted lips, holding my breathe for the longest time.
I have always known that you have exceptional improvising skills, and that was one thing I looked forward to the most. I never thought being there at the live show expecting it would still blow me (so far) away. (HELP~~)
Your entire band is just downright awesome! Marilyn kicked ass with his guitar. Eric was sick on the keyboard. Ian with his wicked bass. Adam was fun and charming (dig British accents though he didn't speak that night). And of course the man - Toca.
Tristan put on a really good show as well. I've always loved Shy That Way, and I was SO happy to hear the two of you doing the duet. She is very lovely with her guitar. She practises her craft so well.
I am utterly mrazmerized. I wish I have the power to be one of your groupies and follow you around (or I could be a stalker), and I envy those who could.
I hope your trip would allow you some time to recover.
Love ya,

