what is it?
We often ask for instructions and guidance, but always resist authority. For instance, when an employee didn't do something, and the manager/boss gets cross, the employee defends himself by saying, "No one told me to do that." But when the manager/boss tells the employee to do certain things, the employee gets irritated, and tries to avoid the task. Another instance, a boyfriend never understands what the girlfriend wants, but he hates it when the girlfriend tells him what to do. A little less personal of an example: as a society, we demand law and order, but everyone hates cops. On a larger scale, we claim ourselves to be civilized, yet most Americans are anti-government. Ok, I may be over-generalizing, but hey, those are fairly typical examples, aren't they?
So what is it that we all want anyway?
So what is it that we all want anyway?
but from what you've been saying in this...seems we just want the easy way out of everything. we do what they can to make life 'easy' on ourselves. it's too much hassle to actually stand up for what we believe or try to make a difference if it hinders our lifestyles too much or prevents us from reaching our own goals.
those dem americans...