Soundtrack Updates

Muxtape updated. Meaning some songs were taken off and some added. Decisions, decisions. Ah....

Songs added:
  1. Ghostship I - The Fall of Troy
  2. Something About Us - Daft Punk
  3. Boys & Girls - Blur
  4. It's Okay - PWRFL Power

Songs removed (*tears):

  1. Let Me Teach You How to Hold Chopsticks - PWRFL Power
  2. Sowing Season - Brand New
  3. Circuit Breaker - Royskopp
  4. Set Fire to the Face on Fire - The Blood Brothers


M dot Strange said…
Stop playing wiF those plastic cassettes and go take some peektores already DAMN ^_^
Rona So said…
Random stuff: some guest at the hotel came up to me and asked me something. He looked at my name tag while I was processing his request, and he said I'm the third person he knows with my name, but the other two were in the same family - one named after the other, and it's spelled "Ronna." I was like, "Cool. Do you have any idea of its origin? I'm curious...." And he said, "I believe it's Icelandic." Weird. Did you meet a whole lot of Rona's in Iceland while you were there? Later on, I googled name origins and I didn't see any Icelandic reference, so I guess I'm not cool enough to be the ice queen. Where can I download your album? And thank you, come again.
M dot Strange said…
OMG some blog robot responded to meh comment...Hmmmm met no Rona's in icetown...did meet some cool Chinese girl with a dutch accent though but I'm pretty sure her name started with an X... Meh album oh jah tis heRRR

Thank YOU come again XD

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