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This would be more of a complaint than a question if no resolution was found in the end.
I've always purchased tickets from Ticketmasters in the past - that is until the "inconvenience" charge went up to 8-something per ticket. Now that the fee has gone up to $9.90 per ticket, I don't even consider buying from Ticketmasters anymore. There is also a bogus "building facility" fee of $2.50 per ticket for the Prodigy show at the Warfield (original ticket price $36.50). If it was a mandatory maintainence fee, why not just add it to the ticket price itself? Ok, let's just say that tickets sold from the entertainment group or record company or whoever was $36.50, so that is the base price, and then each facility has their own thing going with surcharges, but when I expect to pay $73.00 (maybe plus tax) for the tickets, and now after everything the total price for 2 tickets with delivery charge is over $100.... I'm sorry, but does anyone at Ticketmaster feel that that is ridiculous?
Option for will-call (picking up at the venue) was not available. Picking up at Ticketmasters retail location is an extra $1.00. Buying from a retail location does not decrease surcharge amounts. Printing out your own tickets at home is an extra $2.50. With all the extra fee you imposed on buyers, the least you could do all is to include delivery. Ok, so delivery via standard mail is free, which is fine with me since most of the time I purchase tickets in advance, plus the fact that I would no longer buy from you. If I bought the tickets from Warfield, which I would have to drive over 40 miles from home, which I would rather do than pay Ticketmasters, I would be paying only the ticket prices (I checked).
Recently I bought tickets to the M83 show at the Mezzanine (SF), from the Independent box office in SF. Tickets were $22.50 each. I got two for $48.00. Out the door price at Ticketmasters was $61.20 excluding delivery (besides standard mail).
Are you really different from scalpers? I remember when the convenience charge was 6-something per ticket. I thought that was reasonable to cover operating costs. Obviously, I'm too naive to know the operating costs of a business; but if you're losing volume due to imposed surcharges, does it really benefit you?
Is there anything you would do to change the shopping experience on Ticketmasters? I know I'm not the first or the only one making this complaint.
Screw Ticketmasters. And damn all of you scalpers. Where's the justice?