Decided against dealing with the weekend crowds at malls and grocery stores, and s
pent a quiet Saturday afternoon at home revamping this space - like it? It was nice and relaxing until the sun started to set, and I started to get a bit antsy. Had no plans whatsoever, which was not unusual, though typically fatigue would have gotten the best of me and kept me in. Had quite an interesting week that involved a lot of drinking. Somehow, I felt that I had more energy than my usual work-home-work-home-work gig. I'm starting to get a grip on what people call a work-life balance - although there is only so much time in a day, when I spend time I normally think I can't afford or shouldn't spend on "fun" things, even if it results in less sleep, I feel more put together.
Anyway, contemplated on my evening over a cigarette. I decided to say screw SJ, I'm headed for the city! Went online to see who's playing what, where and when, and found two shows worth checking out - Bonobo at Mezzanine and Oliver at Rickshaw Stop. Called up my buddy N, and off we went. Never been to Rickshaw before, and haven't heard of any of the performers - bonus; plus I thought they sounded more energetic, and I was definitely in the mood for uppers (music-wise).
I HAD A BLAST. The beats were sensational. And
N was phenomenal company. I kept my drinking under control, and danced the entire night.
I love the slightly sickening smell of a crowded concert hall; I love when I leave a venue drenched in my own sweat, and then feel the cool of the night brush up against my skin. I love walking with friends seeking out the nearest grub after a night of drinks and dance. I love getting home so ready to crash, and thinking about sleeping in the next day, and how my week is complete.