Easy Like Sunday Morning

Lately I've come to enjoy the mornings: getting up before the double-digits; turning up my blinds - letting the soft summer light fill half way through my room; watering my roomie's plants on the balcony and breathing in the fresh, cool air; making breakfast, and coffee in a french press; I don't read the papers, but this morning I got on the internet, and checked the latest results of the Olympic games - US is top on overall and gold medal counts.  China has fallen behind to 2nd place.  Great Britain still at 3rd place.  South Korea has dropped to 5th.

Slightly disappointed at the results, but that concludes the games, and I'm glad.  Closing ceremony at 1300.  I hope, for Britain's sake, that it doesn't suck as much as the opening.  I still feel a sense of belonging to Britain.  I do have a British passport after all.

The ending of the Olympics brings the beginning of the annual Sharks Week on the Discovery Channel.

I've even started looking at information on presidential candidates for this year's important election.  I'm actually spending time getting involved in current events.

I never thought I'd have a shot at the so-called normal life.  I'm naturally nocturnal, and often wondered if I'd ever be able to get to a routine of easy mornings with no hangover.  For once, there is no rush to be anywhere or do anything.

While routines might seem boring to others, I've always yearned for stability.  Not in a sense that you're stuck doing the same things over and over again every day; but you do these things, and they're just part of life, and you don't mind it.  Because when you have a schedule of ordinary things, you know you can make time for pleasurable things.  Because you're not caught up in the chaos of life, and be spending all your time trying to figure some sense out of it, and getting angry or sad - whatever it is that distracts you from the beauty of everything else important.

Because once you have structure and stability, things could be easy.  Easy like Sunday morning.


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