Soundtrack Update II

I've rearranged things a bit and added a few tracks, which means of course that some were taken down. Lately I've been buying a lot of cds (and movies!). It is such a great feeling to have something in your hand that you just can't wait to rip open and play it first thing you get into your car. I'm so glad I've finally gotten the cd/mp3 deck installed (thank you, Chris!). No more ripping music, waiting for files to transfer, and clicking el nano trying to find a song while driving. I even have a remote control. What a considerate driver.

Oh, and before I give you the list of exchanged muzik, I would like to share this comment I received from my new friend, Jay, on my muxtape:

OK so your muxtape was [damn] cool.

The first track by Loom sets off the mix really with a lot of energy. I really like the drumming. It is reminiscent of aspects from At The Drive In's stuff. Good shit. The Fall of Troy's progressive nature is really refreshing. I love progressive rock, which is weird because I am pretty ADD when it comes to music. Also, the break down drumming in the middle of Troy's track was pretty neat. Helepolis is everything you said they were. The first three songs seem as if they would be very awesome to hear live. They also remind me of The Mars Volta. I dont really listen to Brand New, but i listened to them anyways. They are neat.Royksopp was a great track that slowed the pace down, and was quite sexy. The first time I heard Royksopp was on a Geiko commercial of all places (which can be found here). anyways, nice track. Blur's track was great. Blur must have inspired "!!!" (often referred to as "chk chk chk")...cuz I hear a lot of similarities between the two bands. Rilo Kiley's song was really catchy, plus one of the actors from boy meets world is in the band...and i find that facinating! haha....i need to listen to it again. The octopus project's righteous ape and bird was really intriguing...i guess it was the pace of something. I enjoyed it. Radiohead is a great band, and the album this song was off of is probably one of my favorite albums of the year....need i say more? Team Sleeps track was a great to listen to after radiohead. I find myself very amused by the guitar string slides throughout the song. The singers voice is quite peaceful. "It's Okay" is a really cool song. Very folky and I like the solitude the acoustic guitar and his voince generates. And finally Daft of the kings of house music. Cant go wrong with daft punk.

Overall this was a great mix to hear! (I noticed you added "young folks" by Peter Bjorn and John. I love this track and now youve gotten me whisteling to it again...thanks)

It's like a review for an album I made! What an accomplishment. Thank you, Jay. (Listen to Jay's muxtape here.)

Here comes the list. New songs:

  1. Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World
  2. Peter, Bjorn and John - Young Folks (Thanks to Coffee. It's stuck in my head, too.)
  3. Brand New - Degausser
  4. Frente - Bizzare Love Triangle


  1. Daft Punk - Something About Us
  2. Blur - Boys & Girls
  3. Brand New - Limousine (MS Rebridge)
  4. Team Sleep - Princeton Review



Anonymous said…
Hey! I was just checking your site and I was surprised to see that you posted my (horribly written) review! have good music taste and everyone should check out your ever changing mix!

Also your blog is very interesting! I loved your "flinging flaming poop everywhere" post!
Rona So said…
Thankee, boy. I hope you didn't mind me posting your comment on my muxtape. It was so thought-out I felt flattered. So I decided to brag a little. I'll shoot you an email on your muxtape. I also ran into the problem of muxtape not allowing some uploads.

Please continue to support Ronzilla! It is a good cause you know....

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