Personal Daily Horoscope continues

Wednesday, 2 March 2005

Enjoying repartee
1. A swift, witty reply.
2. Conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition]

At this time you will seek increased mental stimulation through contacts with others. As long as it doesn't get too acrimonious, you will enjoy repartee. Also you may seek out other people to learn their views on some matter. This is a good time for consulting any kind of expert for advice, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychologist or an expert in some branch of business. It is also a good time to negotiate with others for contract settlements or business deals. Your mind is reasonably clear [not true], and you are attracted to people who are similarly inclined. This makes it possible for you and another person to make things very clear between you without leaving a lot of matters unsettled and unspoken. It is also a good time to get something off your chest that you have had trouble expressing recently.

Friday, 4 March 2005

In need of response

Valid during several months: This is a good time to clarify and explain an issue to someone with whom you are intimately associated in daily life, such as your spouse or business partner. It is also good for consulting a specialist on any matter that concerns you. You should not think and plan alone or unassisted today. You need another person's consciousness and response to your ideas and statements in order to get a clear perspective on your thoughts. Also, finding out your partner's thoughts will help her to clarify them. Together you will be able to accomplish much more than either of you could separately.

Sunday, 6 March 2005

Calling a halt

Valid during several weeks: This influence does not make you mentally aggressive, but you will probably feel quite good. The only area of tension will be your personal relationships. Use this energy to have a discussion with a loved one about the state of your relationship. You may discover that the two of you do not agree in as many ways as you thought. But if you speak in a spirit of compromise, you should have little difficulty in reaching a working agreement. If you proceed from a position of inflexible righteousness, there will be disagreement and discord that could sever communications for some time. Your attitude is very important. If you attend a social gathering, have a good time, but exercise restraint. Take note of how much you have indulged yourself and call a halt at a reasonable time.

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