"What's Happening In Your Life?"

Flipped open the 2007 Ikea catalog, found this on the flip-side of the cover:

Are you so busy working working working, running running running, seeing seeing seeing, that you've forgotten the lovely art of just being, at home. And is your home beginning to forget its role as your nest. Things outside the home seem to be getting more attention. Funny how we've succeeded in putting a man on the moon, yet still struggle to find a way to take care of muddy shoes at home. Why is that? Are you too preoccupied with the extravagant and extraordinary, while real life is actually something that's happening right here, right now.

True quality of life isn't really about the universe and its stars, but rather your world called home. So let us together create a home that helps you calm your life down. It's time to start living in the true world. At home.

That is why I've always liked Ikea. We seem to share the same vision. Back when I was an industrial design student, I've always dreamed about working for them. My ambition was not to manufacture expensive "designer furnitures", rather affordable yet elegant designs that everyone can share to make home a cozy nest. It's a shame that I never made it.

最近比較心歸。 可能因為開始老了﹐再沒有強勁的體魄每天都 go, go, go﹐累透了還死要在街上流連浪蕩。 也可能是成熟了﹐不再反叛﹐不再對過去的事執著﹐對家的理念也改變了。 倦了﹐就想回家。 回到家﹐就覺得輕鬆了。 其實這樣﹐也很不錯。 [假如沒有人在家裡一天到晚製造垃圾留下「蘇州屎」一堆堆要我清理就當然更理想了﹗]


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