My Sultry Valentine

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Over a year ago, I posted My Sultry Valentine using Mixtape.  Now that Mixtape is no longer, I got Mixpod.  Haven't changed any tracks.  They are just as dark and sexy to me as they were the first time I heard them.  I wasn't able to find the album versions of all track - I hope the live versions and audio qualities are acceptable.  At least you'll get the idea.

The list (in case player doesn't work):
  1. Closer by Nine Inch Nails
  2. Black Milk by Massive Attack
  3. Glory Box by Portishead
  4. Sparks by Royskopp
  5. Something About Us by Daft Punk
  6. Hollywood On My Toothpaste by Telepopmusik
  7. How Soon Is Now by The Smiths

The list stemmed from a small project called the ultimate strip tease.  Sparks would be the last song I play on the list given it's mellow nature - it's more of a wind-down, wrap-up song.  Something About Us is the least dark track in all - in fact it's not dark at all - it's groovy.  How Soon Is Now got on the list when Natalie Portman stripped to it in the film Closer.  I mean, come on, Natalie Portman stripping.  It doesn't get sexier than that.

Share your list.  

Happy Valentine's Day.


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