
Yahoo!奇摩新聞 - 中時電子報

康乃爾大學發現 真愛只有2年半

  國際新聞中心/綜合報導 美國康乃爾大學一項研究發現,愛情是大腦中的巴胺、苯乙胺及催產素等綜合而成的雞尾酒式「纏綿化學物質」發揮作用,一旦人體對這類化學物質產生抗體,其纏綿功能便會失效,因此,男女真愛最長只能維持三十個月。




... whatever.


Rona So said…
Hannah Jang, if you wish to leave a comment without having to sign in, you could do "Anonymous" and sign at the end of the msg so that I'd know it's you. But then since all's been done, I guess, yeah, you've just given yourself another blog to work on (or not). Don't worry, I own more than 3 blogs now, and I'm doing just fine.

You know what the problem is about relationships? People cannot distinguish the difference between love and lust; they probably don't even know what they are doing most of the time.

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