Philsophical life

Read, read, read and fucking read some more!

During the semester, the latter part at least, I have been swamped with all the philosophical papers and crap, reading and writing them. Now that school's kinda over (still gotta work on my incompletes), I'm still reading and writing, only this time I'm catching up with all the blog postings. Don't get me wrong, I love to get all the updates, whether or not they're still any good. But I have been sitting in front of my laptop for hours, and my eyes are starting to dry up from the glare of the screen, and I still have a few to go. My bad.

This is my philosophical fate. Hopefully I'll turn out to be one great scholar with impeccable "analytical and critical thinking skills" (*with the accent of my ex-communication professor). Or at least people skills....


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